St. John's Vestry
St. John's Vestry

"The Little Church On The Hill"
St. John's Episcopal Church
Springfield Gardens, NY, 11413

Annual Report 2018
The St. John's Senior Saints Ministry aka "Pacesetters" was established in 2018. This ministry is made up of vital, vibrant, and victorious female seniors beginning at the age of 70. Their goal is to inspire young women to follow in the footsteps of Christ by teaching them the way of the Lord.
The mission of the 'Pacesetters' ministry is to:
"Inspire senior citizens to continue to be active and stay faithful in Christ"
Pacesetters Activities:
Our Ministry has specific activities that are designed to encourage and motivate you in your walk with Christ, so that you can truly reconnect or connect with other seniors and believers in Christ:
Health Programs
Day Trips
Monthly Luncheons
Weekly Bible Studies
Occasional Fund Raising
The Senior Saints Ministry 'Pacesetters' are always looking for people to help serve and be a blessing to those who have and are leaving a legacy of godliness.
2018 Events
On October 13, 2018, the Pacesetters hosted our Church's 'Annual Fall Luncheon'. The event was a success and the event raised over $3,000 for St. John's.
To sign up to become a member of the Senior Saint's Ministry "Pacesetters" please contact the ministry's Chairperson, Gwendolyn Cardoza:
Tel: (718) 525-1444
Report created by: Gwendolyn Cardoza