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Worship Hour
11/7, 2021 through 1/02/2022
@ 8:00 AM

Links to other means of worshipping with us are listed below

Online Worship Services


Recently there have been reports of Zoom meetings being hacked by individuals with the intent of showing harmful and insensitive materials. In an effort of reduce these security breaches to meetings, all meetings will require a password.


For our weekly Morning Payer Zoom calls you will now be required to enter a password.


The zoom web link, dial-in number and Meeting ID will remain the same.


Join Zoom Meeting via Video

​Meeting ID: 418 248 1871

Password: 239535


To join via Phone dial:

    +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

    Meeting ID: 418 248 1871

Password: 239535

Find your local number:



Connecting on Zoom

Instructions for Computer Users:

1.  Make sure your computer's video camera is working and microphone is turned on and muted.


Click on this URL:

2.  Zoom will then automatically load itself, give you the opportunity to test your video camera and microphone.


Instructions for Landline Users:

1.  Dial the Zoom phone number 1 646 558 8656

When prompted enter the Meeting ID number: 418 248 1871 followed by the # sign

​2.  When prompted enter the password: 239535 followed by the # sign


Muting during the call

In an effort to keep background noise from interfering with the conversation, please “mute” yourselves if are not speaking.

For those using computers, there’s a microphone icon located on the bottom left your screen, simply click to mute and unmute.

For persons dialing/calling in, press *6 to mute/unmute.

In this time of crisis we must remain steadfast in our faith and prayer life and continue to take the necessary precautions to stay healthy.

Please share this information with those members who may not have access to email or the internet.



Worship Corner

Join us on Zoom Wednesdays at 6 pm as we start the year off digging deeper in scripture and connecting with God!

Click here for the Zoom link

Phone Number: 1 646 558 8656 

Meeting ID: 418 248 1871

Password: 239535


Join us Thursdays at 7 pm for prayers to close out the day. Click the zoom link below to join.

Click here for the Zoom link


Phone Number: 1 646 558 8656

Meeting ID 418 248 1871

Password 239535

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